Friday, September 14, 2012



PictureBearded Dragons shed throughout their lives.  Whether it is because they literally outgrow their skin or just because their skin is getting old, they will shed and have new scales underneath.  With every shed, your Bearded Dragons colors will change, sometimes subtly and sometimes very obviously.  Young Bearded Dragons can be in shed almost constantly, old ones usually shed only a few times a year.  You will notice that your Bearded Dragon is getting ready to shed when the scales become ashy gray.  Shortly after, your Bearded Dragon will start rubbing and the scales will come off in patches and bits. Your Bearded Dragon may become moody and go off of his food when shedding, and this is perfectly normal.  Shedding can last anywhere from days to weeks.  Make sure you do NOT try to help them shed by tearing off any of their skin, this can damage the new skin and hurt your pet.  What you can do is give them extra baths and mistings to help them stay hydrated and relieve their itching.  This will also help the shedding process go faster.  Bearded Dragons may eat their skin after they have shed it.  This is perfectly normal, and actually is thought to be healthy.  It is nothing to worry about.  


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